The further north bobcats live, the bigger they
grow; The largest are found in Canada.
Bobcats are good swimmers,But rarely go into the water.
New Yorks Catskill Mountains were named after the bobcat.
Caracals can kill large snakes,One adult in
an Indian zoo killed a cobra.
The name Caracal comes from the Turkish karakulak which means (black ear)
The caracal occasionally cries out like a leopard. when disturbed at a kill it hises and growls like other cats.
There are reports of caracals catching and killing tawny eagles and martail eagles.
Clouded Leopard
Clouded Leopards are named for the cloud-like pattern of markings with blackish edges and pale centers. Base colors can vary from yellowish to gray, with black spots on the head, legs and tail.
The clouded leopard`s canine teeth are similar in shape to those of the extinct saber-toothed tiger.
Unlike other cats the clouded leopard does not roar A bone in its voice box prevents it.
A clouded leopards tail can grow to three feet.
Male cubs grow faster then females from six weeks on and are heavier.
Borneo natives used clouded leopards, teeth for earings and their skins for tribal battle dress.
The lynx has a acute sence of smell and can
detect a rat at 250 feet.
The lynx can run up to 30 mph,Though some repots say the lynx are slow runners.
The feet of a lynx are large,round and padded underneath to help it travel over deep snow.
A lynx can jump 6 feet into the air to catch a bird as it takes off from the ground.
The ocelot sleeps lying down with its forepaws
stretched out in front and its head resting on them much in the same way a dog does
Its the only small cat that sleeps in this manner.
The Ocelots grow more slowly, relative to body size than any other cat.Not achieving adult size until they are 2 to 2.5 years of age.
In 1968 North America fur traders imported a total of 129,000 ocelot pelts.
The serval was once thought to be a separate species.
Servals can leap up to 10 feet in the air.
It has been esitmated that a serval eats about 4,000 rodents 260 snakes,and 130 birds a year.
European Wildcat
Small cats like the wildcat are unable to roar because of a bone in their larynex.But the can purr while breathing both in and out,which big cats cannot do.
The Egyptians domesticated the African Wildcat to protect thier grain.
The Wildcat was once found throughout northern Europe, It left during the Middle Ages because of the cooling climate.
Fishing Cat
A fishing cat taps the surface of the water to attract fish. They prefer slow moving or static water sources.
When swimming, a fishing cat uses its short, flattened tail like a rudder.
Fishing cats are nocturnal.
A fishing cat’s claws are not fully sheathed and are visible in the retracted position.
Margay with its flexible ankle bones can rotate 180 degrees out ward.
Margay are also known as the Tree Ocelot and Long-Tailed Spotted Cat
Only the Margay and the clouded leopard have the ankle flexibility to enable them to climb down trees head first.
With its very long tail it gives the impression that its head is too small for its body.
Jaguarundis are very good swimmers.
Jaguarundis are also known as,Leoncillo (Little Lion) and Otter Cat.
Jaguarundis only have 36 chromosome pairs, unlike the other big cats who have 38.
It is believed that Jaguarundis are likely to be the descendants of the Puma (ancestral), which originates from Asia.
Pallas’s Cat
Extremely short legs Ears that are wide apart and low on the cat’s head Very short claws.
A flat-looking face Fewer teeth than most wild cats.
Sand Cat
The sand cat is the smallest wild cat.
The visible part of the cat’s ear is extremely large, which helps protect the ear from the sand.
Sand cats are exceptional diggers.
Jungle Cat
Jungle cats are speedy runners; a cat in Iran was recorded running at 20 miles per hour.
These cats have been depicted in ancient Egyptian art and have been mummified as well.
There are ample evidence from ancient Egypt that these cats were kept as pets to control rodents.